Sunday, January 25, 2009

Adventure Boy!

My little guy is changing fast before my eyes. I just remembered today that I forgot to take a picture of him with his duckie last month. I want to have a picture of him for his first year with his duckie beside him to see his growth. So we are missing some documentation but I took a picture today to catch up. He was more interested in attacking the duck rather than just sitting by it. It is so funny that lately he has been easily amused by stuffed animals and puppets...they crack him up!

Another sweet moment to share...we went on a family walk a little while back and Josh carried Korban in the Baby Bjorn, (otherwise known as the "snugly" but not the kind of snugly on infomercials like Jessica mentioned. HA!) Any who...Korban was very excited to get out and see things.....

But by the time we had been out walking for quite a while, Korban was tired to say the least...

While in Utah visiting my parents for Thanksgiving, I happened upon this vinyl wall decal...

It is the verse from James 1:17 "Every good and perfect comes from above..." I was so stoked to find one of these wall quotes in a Bible verse. And since the walls of Korbans room were a cream color just like the letters were a cream color, I had to paint the wall brown to set it off. I love it! It looks like chocolate!

And one more picture for the road. Auntie Jessica took this one of Korban staring longingly into the giant silver Christmas ornament. It was like one of those silly mirrors at carnivals that make you look all weird and funny shaped.

I hope you all have a blessed week!


  1. Seriously, can I take a bite out of him?!

    I love that boy.

  2. what a cutie! i have a picture of Abigail in our snuggly just like that!!! :>
