Sunday, November 8, 2009

I would have strategically placed these photos but it takes forever here and the computer is ornery. We are having a blessed time and are looking forward to Seattle on Tuesday. But to follow in a few of my fellow bloggers footsteps I need to jot down the things that Korban is trying to say these days. I don't know if it is the change of scenery or the tropical breeze but he is quite talkative and willing to give new words a shot.

New words in his vocabulary...

Shaka (while trying very hard to give the "hang loose sign"

Pumpkin Pie

Bubba (the dog, and he says it with complete adoration)



Dada...Poopoo (compliments of me ha ha)

Four and five

He is attempting "I love you".


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Baby Monkeys Invade Hawaii

Hello to all and Aloha! We are in Kona Hawaii yet again for a little R n R...The last time Korban can fly for free! We left home on the 27th and flew into Seattle for an over night layover and a much anticipated visit to see Mary, Paul and their new little bundle of cuteness, Samantha. Paul and Mary, parenthood suits you well. It was so sweet to see you guys as a mom and dad and so in love with your new found joy:)

I love love love the fall weather in Seattle! The only other place That I have seen trees so beautiful Is on the East Coast. I am looking forward to spending the last 4 days of our trip there with Paul, Mary and Samantha.

Well we went from Cold and damp to warm and humid. Fall weather and blankets to swim suits and sand. We spent our first day at snorkel beach and went out for a huge Hawaiian snow cone afterwards...I think this is becoming tradition. However I think last time we got the medium cone because I don't remember it being so gargantuan!

Solid Rock Ministries is our favorite church in Kona and they were putting on a Candy Land Adventure by the old Kona airport. It was so much fun and the staff and willing servants put on such a fun and friendly event. We couldn't help it...we had to buy Korban the cutest little monkey outfit ever.

This outfit is a keeper.