Did you ever have that feeling that something big was going to happen? So much that you just couldn't shake the feeling? Lately I have felt this way, well I felt this way back in September but I continued to second guess myself thinking that it was not God putting this on my heart but my own self niggling thoughts and emotions. November 2 confirmed everything for me. I had just stopped by Josh's work with the boys so they could say hi to daddy and then continued on to the grocery store for milk and TP. I had this odd craving for Stuffed grape leaves and Kraft Macaroni and cheese. Weird I know! Who eats those two things together? Immediately I decided that I would buy a take home pregnancy test and find out what was really going on. So there were a few more things to my shopping list. I had taken several tests already a few weeks before do to that niggling feeling and they all were negative. We were not trying to have a baby yet and I kept saying that I really was not ready but somehow I still felt bummed and disappointed. With the boys locked out of the bathroom and preoccupied....for a short time...I did the fun little test and really really really could not believe my eye's! Two little lines. So I take another one from a different brand that I forgot I already had and it too was positive. O.K. Kristina now what do we do with all this excitement? You can't tell Korban because he will tell everybody and Your husband is busy at work.....Benjamin can't talk yet so I will tell him later. The other cool part, sometimes I think I forget that God is always there. He is there in my Joy, sorrow, accomplishments, everything. So I shared my joy with Him. The boys were in bed and I cracked open my Bible to the place I had last been in Psalms. It was Psalm 128:3, 4 "Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed, who fears the Lord." O.K God I'm listening, I believe you now and I am sorry for doubting this joyous news.
The day could not go by- any- slower. I waited until the boys were in bed to tell Josh. So I showed him the psalm and waited to see what he would say. He did not say much, but that it was a neat Psalm. "I'm pregnant." Pause...." What! How?" was his shocked and surprised answer. Nothing makes me tear up more than seeing my husband tear up, let me tell you.
We did not want to tell anyone until Christmas and when I was further along. I had this whole plan in my head of what Christmas morning would be like breaking the happy news to my parents and in-Laws and catching it all on video. Grandma reactions are the best and to have it on video is so fun. But God new better. He knew what would happen on the 15th of November just after Josh left the house for Men's Bible study. I called him in tears, fearful that I was losing the baby. I was not sure what to expect and thought it would be more painful than it was. How do you put on a happy face for your children when your very heart is breaking? Josh came home and comforted me, we prayed....a lot. I felt in my heart of hearts that this baby was so meant to be. I made it through the night and things seemed to be improving but there were still signs of a problem. Kaiser was great and fast at arranging to see me ASAP. My Mom-In law came over at the drop of a hat and took care of the boys so Josh and I could head down the hill. I don't think we said more than 5 words the whole time, just quiet. After being stuck with a needle and sitting in a waiting room for some time, a nurse called us in. She asked a few questions and seemed perplexed at my answers which kind of made me worry. It usually is not good when a nurse or doctor has a perplexed look on their face right? Then Dr. Vera Stuckey comes in. She was a God send....really. She learned we were Christians and said that she was too. She knew what we were going through and comforted us with a few Bible Verses that God has given us for encouragement and understanding. You see, I thought I was only 5 weeks along since I had my lovely woman week about 6 weeks ago. So her, thinking the same thing was preparing us for the worst seeing as how the baby would not even be able to give us a visible heart beat yet, and for the best that it could just be nothing at all. I was afraid to look at the screen, so I looked at my husband, head down in his hands praying. "Huh?!" Says Dr. Vera. "Looks like you are further along than 5 weeks, there is a heart beat!" Praise God thank you Jesus was all I could say. We were so relieved! There was our 8 and a half week old baby, one inch long and with a strong heart! We left the hospital that day with such joy and thanksgiving. She told me though that situations like this can be 50/50 until I am past the first trimester so I had to be careful not to overdo anything or lift anything too heavy and to try to take it as easy as one can with two little boys.
Needless to say I feel like the baby is thriving off all of my cravings and I am coping with nausea every day which I have to say is probably a good sign that things are doing what they are supposed to be doing. So June 8th is the due date and I seriously feel like it is right- around- the- corner. So please pray if you think of us, it would be very much appreciated:) Do we want to find out? No. We are going to make everybody wait until June....neener neeener:)
Monday, November 28, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
God made dirt...
Lately I have been trying to find new ways for the boys to have fun outside but not go running off to someplace on the property where I have to chase them and/or cannot see them. It's like turning two young colts loose into a pasture....they are bound to get hurt badly on something the moment I lose track of them. The solution to my problem....a big pile of dirt. Yes we do have a sand box off our back bedroom which they do enjoy but some days they just need to get a little more dirty....

So what if I had to strip them down to their skibbies before entering the house and put them straight into the tub....it was so worth it. God made dirt and dirt don't hurt:)
So what if I had to strip them down to their skibbies before entering the house and put them straight into the tub....it was so worth it. God made dirt and dirt don't hurt:)
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Catch up
We are well into fall and summertime already seems sooooo long ago. Much has happened and much has changed since our last personable post way back in, oh lets say....July!? Sheesh.
Remember ode to Bookie? Well the bookie made a comeback, but just at nap time. I tried having Korban go without it for weeks. Night time was no problem, he is tired anyway. It is the day time and I hate to say and or admit it but I think he is just growing out of naps. He is just three and still needs it so much! Needless to say he is doing better at nap time now but still takes a way shorter nap than he used to which selfish me says is not enough time for mommy rest.
My dear Benjamin....he is not forgotten and I refuse to let anyone tell me it is "Second child syndrome". Honestly he just has me a whole lot more busy than I ever was before! He is 15 months now which is hard to believe. He had a blast on his first Birthday with cake and all our little friends and cousins. I have to say he destroyed that cake, it did not stand a chance!

Obviously it was a cowboy theme and it was so fun to do! We had paper mustaches, cowboy hats and scarfs and sweets galore. I may have over done it in the sweets department with the smores cupcakes, chocolate and caramel sprinkle covered apples and drumsticks for the grownups. He is such a big boy and his determination to do anything and everything his big brother does is very strong. He has a stubborn streek and a scowl that I should have been privy too way back when...
Yes he still makes this face and very pointedly says "Nah" which means no. Unfortunately he learned that from me having to say no to Korban or himself after touch the oven for the 13th time. Baby steps, we are working through it:)
Goodness what else! We went on vacation which included a combination of Seattle and Hawaii. First stop was Seattle to visit these two little munchkins:) Samantha and her new baby Sister Hailey and there mommy and Daddy Paul and Mary my Brother and sister in law. It was kind of funny because Seattle usually does not have clear blue skys and 80 degree weather but we were lucky enough to be there for it!

Then off to Kona Hawaii. I love this picture, a daddy with his boys. They had so much fun playing in the water! Gosh, it already feels like forever-a-go!
And now here we are...in fall with real fall weather of all things! And snow on the mountains?! Really? I have a feeling this Christmas is going to be so much fun and full of new memories!
Remember ode to Bookie? Well the bookie made a comeback, but just at nap time. I tried having Korban go without it for weeks. Night time was no problem, he is tired anyway. It is the day time and I hate to say and or admit it but I think he is just growing out of naps. He is just three and still needs it so much! Needless to say he is doing better at nap time now but still takes a way shorter nap than he used to which selfish me says is not enough time for mommy rest.
My dear Benjamin....he is not forgotten and I refuse to let anyone tell me it is "Second child syndrome". Honestly he just has me a whole lot more busy than I ever was before! He is 15 months now which is hard to believe. He had a blast on his first Birthday with cake and all our little friends and cousins. I have to say he destroyed that cake, it did not stand a chance!

Obviously it was a cowboy theme and it was so fun to do! We had paper mustaches, cowboy hats and scarfs and sweets galore. I may have over done it in the sweets department with the smores cupcakes, chocolate and caramel sprinkle covered apples and drumsticks for the grownups. He is such a big boy and his determination to do anything and everything his big brother does is very strong. He has a stubborn streek and a scowl that I should have been privy too way back when...
Yes he still makes this face and very pointedly says "Nah" which means no. Unfortunately he learned that from me having to say no to Korban or himself after touch the oven for the 13th time. Baby steps, we are working through it:)
Goodness what else! We went on vacation which included a combination of Seattle and Hawaii. First stop was Seattle to visit these two little munchkins:) Samantha and her new baby Sister Hailey and there mommy and Daddy Paul and Mary my Brother and sister in law. It was kind of funny because Seattle usually does not have clear blue skys and 80 degree weather but we were lucky enough to be there for it!
Then off to Kona Hawaii. I love this picture, a daddy with his boys. They had so much fun playing in the water! Gosh, it already feels like forever-a-go!
And now here we are...in fall with real fall weather of all things! And snow on the mountains?! Really? I have a feeling this Christmas is going to be so much fun and full of new memories!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Maternity and Baby Threads
Hello to all! While rummaging through my many craft bins and doing some extended spring cleaning, I came upon some clothing that I had finished and never tried to sell.. Well it certainly does not do me any good keeping them stashed away. Hopefully you will find something you like for yourself or someone you know that has a baby or is expecting. All the baby clothing is $10.00 and the Maternity jeans are $40. All the baby clothes are 100% cotton and I only have one of each!
These maternity jeans are a size medium with a long length leg. We all feel a little dowdy and plain sometimes during our pregnancy so I hoped that these would make a "mamma to be" feel a little more dressy with a tiny bit of bling;) I made extra sure that these iron on appliques are fastened with individually hand attached crystal beads to give it that little bit of sparkle. Selling for $40.00

This Baby girls onesie is a 24 Month size . It comes in Lavendar and reads "Vintage Baby". It is one of my favorites!
These maternity jeans are a size medium with a long length leg. We all feel a little dowdy and plain sometimes during our pregnancy so I hoped that these would make a "mamma to be" feel a little more dressy with a tiny bit of bling;) I made extra sure that these iron on appliques are fastened with individually hand attached crystal beads to give it that little bit of sparkle. Selling for $40.00
This Baby girls onesie is a 24 Month size . It comes in Lavendar and reads "Vintage Baby". It is one of my favorites!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Ode to Bookie

With Korban turning three we thought it was time for him to say sayonara to his beloved bookie, AKA the pacifier. It did not really dawn on me until pondering what to write but giving up his bookie was asking a pretty tough thing of him. I mean, imagine having to give up something that you are used to being attached to from the day you were born. It was there to comfort you through teething pain, scraped knees, missing mommy and Daddy when they went on a date, and soothing you to sleep when sleep was hard to find. It was probably like me having to give up coffee when I was pregnant. I looked forward to it every morning and loved the smell of it, taste of it, and just the warm comfort it would bring. So having to stop cold turkey was not easy at all. So I began to limit Korban to just nap time and bed time. That was not too hard and he did not protest too much. I told him that he better enjoy bookie while he can because once he turns three he would be too big for it and it would break. Now you are probably thinking, "what a mean mommy! Lying to your boy like that! " Don't worry, I would not lie to him. It did "break". Mysteriously some scissors found their way to bookie and well....I'm sure you can figure out the rest. He actually handled it quite well and even showed Josh when he came home from work. Korban very matter of factually said,"look daddy, my bookie broke!" He never cried or argued about it. He did very nicely ask for it a few times though. But Most children can be won over with a new little toy car if they can sleep through the night without it. Nap time however is another story and I think this is where I am kicking myself in the hiney. He has had such a hard time taking naps without his bookie. Even still I know it is best for him. It is all part of growing up.
Grandpa and Grammy....and John Wayne
Korban was excited to see Grandpa and Grammy and John Wayne.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
3 Already
So grown up this. I still can't believe it!
I think this year I realized it even more than the years before. Mostly because Korban actually had a preference of what kind of birthday party he wanted. It cracks me up that he chose Thomas but it also makes me think, "How cute! He wants to like Thomas just like his cousin Noah...awwww." Korban very rarely watches the show and only has two character toys. But he did receive some very cool train toys that he is enjoying and Thomas clothes that he is waiting for me to wash. It was a very active party for sure. Lots of kids and swimming and eating and chatting. I don't think I ate anything or sat down for that matter but I had so much fun watching my little boy have fun.
It is hard to think that this is just the beginning. He is only three and there is so much more to come.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
The Del Mar Fair...because that's how I say it
We were blessed with some free tickets to the Del mar fair this year and decided to go on a Friday evening. So nice and cool instead of hot, sticky and sweaty. They have been calling it the San Diego county fair for some time now but it just doesn't sound the same to me. And it's funny how peo
ple still know what you are talking about when you say Del Mar Fair instead.
First I have to say that my husband cracks me up. We get to the fair and his immediate reaction when he sees the cost of everything is, "We are not going to spend any money here, it is way too expensive!" and so he says. So we strolled through the classic car exhibit and the animal barns first, and ended with the chickens. Josh pointed out to me the irony of having this Chicken Kabob cart, outside of the chicken barn...just cruel but so delicious.

After that I asked on our boys behalf, "Honey, can we just check out the kids land and see how m
uch the tickets are?" I knew Korban would want to ride on something over there and you can't go to a fair and not go on a ride! So we went and seeing Korban's face light up with excitement bought him a few tickets for a few rides, the best money we spent the whole time we were there. Though a little blury from the motion of the ride you can clearly see the smile on his face:)
And Benjamin....Poor little guy fully aware of the fun going on about him. He was confined to the prison, i mean stroller, and had to watch. But his Daddy had finished a caramel apple and thought Benjamin's sore little teething gums would enjoy a juicy treat. I know it may sound grose to some but he gave Benjamin what was left of the caramel apple. It was like letting a kid run wild in a candy store....he loved every minute of it and would not let go of it. We stayed much longer than intended but had a good time. I look forward to next year when both boys can
go on rides together. It already make
s me smile:)
First I have to say that my husband cracks me up. We get to the fair and his immediate reaction when he sees the cost of everything is, "We are not going to spend any money here, it is way too expensive!" and so he says. So we strolled through the classic car exhibit and the animal barns first, and ended with the chickens. Josh pointed out to me the irony of having this Chicken Kabob cart, outside of the chicken barn...just cruel but so delicious.
After that I asked on our boys behalf, "Honey, can we just check out the kids land and see how m
And Benjamin....Poor little guy fully aware of the fun going on about him. He was confined to the prison, i mean stroller, and had to watch. But his Daddy had finished a caramel apple and thought Benjamin's sore little teething gums would enjoy a juicy treat. I know it may sound grose to some but he gave Benjamin what was left of the caramel apple. It was like letting a kid run wild in a candy store....he loved every minute of it and would not let go of it. We stayed much longer than intended but had a good time. I look forward to next year when both boys can
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Whats going on?
What is going on with the Steinbergs this summer? Lot's of fun stuff with lots of "growing moments" in between. From May to thus far we have had Josh's 32nd Birthday, our 8th Anniversary, My 29th ahem... I mean 30th Birthday, A women's retreat with our church (much needed and can't wait until next year), and a week long trip with just me and the boys to Utah to see my parents. I think that is everything. All great stuff and the "growing in between" part? God showing me more and more how much I really need him in every little thing, including potty training patience and how to handle a child being very upset with you. I'm not gonna lie it is not fun but I think enduring it is necessary to learning how to handle things in the future. I'm posotive future events in our life will make these what seem to be no fun moments look very small when we look back on them. Although I have to admit some of the potty training stuff is pretty funny:) For instance...I was on my first errand outing down the hill with Korban wearing his big boy underwear, (but not without a towel on his seat, and thank you Becky for the towel that I need to return:) I kept asking him if he needed to use the potty and to tell me loudly if he needs to go so that I am sure I hear him. He was doing great! I was so proud of him and his new little spring in his step with his super hero underwear on. We had our last stop at Sprouts and he very loudly and clearly told me " I have to use the potty!" Thank goodness we were right by the bathroom and even more that it was surprisingly clean! Now the interesting part....how to hold a 22 lb 10 month old and help support an almost three year old on the potty because he is still afraid he is going to fall in. So with my other arm I hoist him up to the potty and tell him to put everything where it belongs while trying to stay out of the way just in case things go wrong...which they did. Instead of going in everything when up and over on to the floor. Not fun but funny seeing as how he was so pleased with himself for going at all. Oh well live and learn. Thankfully he has gotten this down now. It has only happened one other time with my poor mom in the same situation while I was getting my fillings done. I think I would have rather been in her shoes. Here is Korban in 09. Thank goodness he has come a long way since then;)

Josh's Birthday. Simple but fun. I attempted a three layer cake which I have to say held up pretty well. Even though the color and sprinkles were not what I envisioned it tasted pretty good. I love how Josh doesn't want much, he is just blessed by having his family together and that is all he wanted:)

Our anniversary, WONDERFUL! We had not had a night with just the two of us in soooooo long. We found an amazing deal on a couples massage in Poway at Ai Spa. If you want to check it out it is in the target and Albertsons Parking lot. 70 min $85. If anyone can find a better deal please tell me! I had no idea my shoulders were so tied up in knots until the sweet little lady was done and my muscles were so rel
axed. After that we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean with some stashed away movie tickets. It was entertaining but lacking. It didn't matter though, we were so happy to be out together. We shared some sliders and chocolate ice cream cake at Islands (If you want their tasty fried shoestring onions on your sliders just ask they are so delicious). Then to our hotel by the bay where we had a night of peaceful sleep and even better...sleeping in until almost whenever, darn those check out times:(
The women's retreat? So refreshing. I missed my family like crazy but I really needed that time to hear the word without distraction, fellowship with other women and just take it easy and have some girly fun. We are so so so blessed that we get to have our retreats at the Murrietta Bible college. I can't think of
a better place and the college kids who serve in ministry there to make it a beautiful weekend for us are so sweet and selfless not to mention they make some pretty good iced coffee;) yum!
My Birthday was Monday, the day after I returned from the retreat and not only that but on the Wednesday of that week I would be flying out to Utah so I basically unpacked did laundry and pack a again. I had a nice quiet 30th Birthday dinner. My Birthday request? For a back yard gate and fence, and sand in the boys sand box It makes me laugh because my sister in law had a similar request for her Birthday. So different from wanting a car when you were a teenager isn't it? Seeing as how I
do not have a picture of me freshly 30 on my Birthday, here is a look back to a much much younger me...my first Birthday:)
And then Utah. I was a bit fearful of traveling with both boys on the plane by myself but it was actually not too bad. Korban loves flying so he looked out the window the whole time pointing exciting things out to me. Benjamin was a wiggle worm wanting to look every which way at the same time but he was happy and that made me happy:) Utah was beautiful and we did not do too much. My Dad got out the old cars and let the boys check them out which was very special and sentimental to me having grown up around these cars as a kid. Now my kids get to ride in them too which to me is pretty awesome.

So was this blog long enough? See what happens when I don't do this regularly? Well you read it and I appreciate you taking time out of your business to share these things with us! More blogs to come...maybe even today;)
Josh's Birthday. Simple but fun. I attempted a three layer cake which I have to say held up pretty well. Even though the color and sprinkles were not what I envisioned it tasted pretty good. I love how Josh doesn't want much, he is just blessed by having his family together and that is all he wanted:)
Our anniversary, WONDERFUL! We had not had a night with just the two of us in soooooo long. We found an amazing deal on a couples massage in Poway at Ai Spa. If you want to check it out it is in the target and Albertsons Parking lot. 70 min $85. If anyone can find a better deal please tell me! I had no idea my shoulders were so tied up in knots until the sweet little lady was done and my muscles were so rel
The women's retreat? So refreshing. I missed my family like crazy but I really needed that time to hear the word without distraction, fellowship with other women and just take it easy and have some girly fun. We are so so so blessed that we get to have our retreats at the Murrietta Bible college. I can't think of
My Birthday was Monday, the day after I returned from the retreat and not only that but on the Wednesday of that week I would be flying out to Utah so I basically unpacked did laundry and pack a again. I had a nice quiet 30th Birthday dinner. My Birthday request? For a back yard gate and fence, and sand in the boys sand box It makes me laugh because my sister in law had a similar request for her Birthday. So different from wanting a car when you were a teenager isn't it? Seeing as how I

And then Utah. I was a bit fearful of traveling with both boys on the plane by myself but it was actually not too bad. Korban loves flying so he looked out the window the whole time pointing exciting things out to me. Benjamin was a wiggle worm wanting to look every which way at the same time but he was happy and that made me happy:) Utah was beautiful and we did not do too much. My Dad got out the old cars and let the boys check them out which was very special and sentimental to me having grown up around these cars as a kid. Now my kids get to ride in them too which to me is pretty awesome.
So was this blog long enough? See what happens when I don't do this regularly? Well you read it and I appreciate you taking time out of your business to share these things with us! More blogs to come...maybe even today;)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Growing UP...and so are the kids
I know I just changed my blog title when I switched the address but I was teetering on the actual name for it. I first had "Just another day in paradise" like the song by Phil Vassar but really, our day is not quite like the one described in the song, well at least not every day, and we don't have a dog, or a mail man, and usually if something is broken around here Josh is on top of it. But the kids are sometimes screaming (happy screams mind you) and the bills are still coming. But even still I did not think it suited my blog. So my honey and I were thinking and thinking about an appropriate title. I wanted something to reflect our ultimate goal in life for us and our children, the one true desire of our hearts...Philippians 3:14 "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Daily our heavenly Father is "growing us up" through joys and sorrows, every day tasks and situations, and yes even through our family...each other. And in the midst of all this growing spiritually, the little ones are growing physically, much too fast for my liking. I can only hope I won't forget the tiny moments. They remind us to keep a child like faith. Korban will very plainly tell you "Jesus high up in the clouds! Building a BIG house for all of us! When He's done I get to see it!" I love his enthusiasm:)
So this is it...Growing Up. And yes, those are our footies!
So this is it...Growing Up. And yes, those are our footies!

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