I know I just changed my blog title when I switched the address but I was teetering on the actual name for it. I first had "Just another day in paradise" like the song by Phil Vassar but really, our day is not quite like the one described in the song, well at least not every day, and we don't have a dog, or a mail man, and usually if something is broken around here Josh is on top of it. But the kids
are sometimes screaming (happy screams mind you) and the bills
are still coming. But even still I did not think it suited my blog. So my honey and I were thinking and thinking about an appropriate title. I wanted something to reflect our ultimate goal in life for us and our children, the one true desire of our hearts...Philippians 3:14 "I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Daily our heavenly Father is "growing us up" through joys and sorrows, every day tasks and situations, and yes even through our family...each other. And in the midst of all this growing spiritually, the little ones are growing physically, much too fast for my liking. I can only hope I won't forget the tiny moments. They remind us to keep a child like faith. Korban will very plainly tell you "Jesus high up in the clouds! Building a BIG house for all of us! When He's done I get to see it!" I love his enthusiasm:)
So this is it...Growing Up. And yes, those are our footies!
Very cute!!!