O.k so a plague may be a bit of an over exaggeration but my gosh these last two months have been no smooth ride in the health department for the Steinberg's. Benjamin caught the 24 hour bug a few weeks back and being the good sharer that he is, gave it to Korban and I. 24 hours and done. Last Sunday Benjamin caught another bug! He was so sick to his stomach and it happened so fast that I thought he ate something that did not agree with him. And by something I don't mean food, this boy puts everything in his mouth and it drives me crazy! The following morning as he is puking once again, My 3 year old mater of factually states, "It's probably those red berries from the tree he ate yesterday." Good to know! After researching pepper trees on line, I finally call the poison control just to be sure I shouldn't be doing something else for the little guy. If you don't have the number in your phone now, then here it is you may need it- 1-800-222-1222. The wonderful vomit stopped after two days but the endless diaper changing continued. I kept thinking, "well this is what it will be like to change a new born again just maybe not this bad." But after 4 days of him still not being all better and losing his stomach once again in the car (always fun to change your toddler on the side of the road) I was growing concerned once again and called a nurse from Kaiser. Now that I am sure you had enough details and probably don't want to eat your next meal, I think it is good for all to know that there is a very nasty virus going around which described Benjamin s symptoms to the T. And once again he so lovingly shared it with Korban and I. I don't think Daddy catches it so much because he is gone most of the day. But this time Josh was able to be home to take care of us all. And I am so thankful that he was! He got up numerous times to tend to our Korban boy and rush him to the sink, change his bed 3 times and jammies, and just tried to get us all comfortable and better. He gets a gold star for sure. If he had been gone this weekend I don't know how I would have managed not being barley able to get out of bed myself. I'm learning too that even in these little things like the stomach flu that tend to worry a mother to no end, I need to trust God for healing. Because really, it is just the flu, not a plague.
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