And finally two happy boys feeling all better sporting their super awesome batman shirts. Korban is always trying to make sure he and Benjamin are wearing the same super hero.
Family.....Korban and I took a little day trip up to Simi Valley to attend my cousins baby shower. This was Korban's first time getting to play with his extended cousin Mackenzie.
My cousin Jessica. I never really thought about it until it happened but how cool to be pregnant at the same time as my cousin. She and I have way too many fun memories from growing up and she is due very very soon!

Korban and Aunt Kimmy....He thinks she's pretty awesome for working on the Sponge Bob of his favorites!
Ah yes...a time to slow down from all the constant going on's around here, Bible time with Daddy. We have been trying to do this more just before bed time and it has really been sweet.
Last but not least...Mud glorious mud! I had lost track of Benjamin for two minutes and this is what happens. Korban was hesitant to join in and kept looking at me like "are you sure this is o.k. mom?" I gave him the ok and he had so much fun with his little Benjers. My favorite part though was when Benjamin flung some mud on Korban's arm and Korban say's " Thats the end of you Benjamin!" And on an on they played with bath time immediately following.
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