Have you ever had so many ideas rolling around in your head that it becomes overwhelming until you actually start to put them into motion? That is me. I have been wanting to create adorable baby items for some time now. I made a bundle of warm fuzzy baby hats....check. I started to try my line of baby clothing which totally blew up in my face....not going to check that one yet, I just don't think now was the time but it will be some day and I still have all my designs saved. I wanted to add burp cloths, wash cloths and eventually
receiving blankets to my list....check...and still in progress. My mom bought me a sewing machine for Christmas and it has been sitting on my Kitchen table since then. Don't get me wrong, I have been using it but just not as
consistently as I would like and love to. Your probably thinking, "Then why aren't you doing it now?" I would if every loud sound didn't wake up Mr. Benjamin. He thinks he is missing out on everything if something is going on in the kitchen so nap time is quiet relax time for
mua. Therefore, sewing only happens when Josh is home or when the boys are both contently playing or watching a movie, so the sewing gets done in little spurts...for now. My ever so patient Mom
helped me pick out fabric at Joannes and walked me through the step by step of how to thread and work the machine. And by
George I finally figured it out (these things really frustrate me, I think I remember crying when she tried to help me make a dress for my senior portraits). I am starting with the burp cloths, little girl ones just in case and that case is not now for all you jumping to conclusions;)
These are a pale pink with little pea pods and it says "sweet pea" . After having finished them they are certainly not worthy to give to anyone or sell on
etsy. I really need to practice sewing straight lines but they will go into my hope chest for some other day:)

These ones are for a boy or girl. I made a set of 3 wash cloths and a burp cloth. I just
loooooved the fabric! They are still in the works but I can't wait to use them for my boys.
I especially can't wait to go back to Joannes and look through all the fabric again.

Fabric stores are just as dangerous as scrapbook stores! ; )