Sunday, February 20, 2011


Our little Benjamin is, and has been for the last couple of weeks, 6 months old. I bought this little lion for him on Etsy around Christmas time for his grow up buddy. Until then I was using Korbans yellow ducky given to him by his auntie Cuh. I wish I had it in the beginning but I just couldn't find that perfect little something until I ran into the Crochet Buddies at a craft show in Mountain View Community Church. I looked at all the cute things the girl had on display but did not see a lion, I really wanted a lion for Benjamin. So she custom made one for me. I tried to describe to her as best as I could what I was hoping to find. At first when she sent me a picture of the lion I was not too thrilled...I was actually a little bumbed. It just did not look like what I had envisioned in my mind! But Josh said to go ahead and get it anyway because she worked really hard on it and it would not be nice to not buy it after requesting it...even though she could still sell it on Etsy. So I payed for it and hoped for the best. It came in the mail and I loved it! His picture did not do him justice
and now he is my little Benjamin's grow up buddy.
And other things that are growing....well, trying to grow. Last week Korban was eating an apple and discovered the little seeds in the center. He asked me in his cute little way "What dose momma?" So I explained to him how an apple grows. He then asked if we could grow one too! Sure why not, it can't be too hard and I have made some of my plants survive. Well it has been one week and it should take two weeks to see anything begin to form. For his little sake, I hope something happens! I mean look how sweet he is pouring soil into the flower pot!

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