Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fun Stuff

It has been a fun and eventful month thus far. The butterfly exhibit was open at the Wild Animal park for a short time and we have never seen it before. Korban and I met up with some lady's and their little ones to beat the crowd, (the line was expected to be a two hour wait to see these pretty little creations) so we arrived as soon as the park opened and thankfully won the race. Eat my Stroller dust you bus loads of children! Ahem , I mean uh... sorry you had to wait for the rest of your school to show up before you could get in line? This was about as close as Korban would willingly get to a butterfly. The rest of the time he was at their mercy of them fluttering over his head and brushing against his cheeks, butterfly kisses in our book, which made him laugh and smile. By the time we left the exhibit, there was indeed a very loooooong line of children and teachers waiting to go inside. It was worth getting there early!

This is one of our best couple friends, Tony and Tara. They are getting married in Missouri, (we get to go!) and wanted some photos done for the guests to sign as they come onto the boat. Yes a boat. It will be on the Becky Thatcher boat cruising up and down the Mississippi! We can't wait and neither can they to see all of their friends and family. They are such an awesome couple and lots of fun to hang out with.

About a week ago Tuesday, these little sweeties were born. Ella and Eva (pronounced A-va) are identical twins to another one of our best friends Steve and Tera. My poor friend is feeling the pains of a c-section but is so blessed to finally hold her two little ones. Don't ask me which one was which because I honestly cannot remember! They look so much alike and very much like their older sister Lilly. They were just the sweetest little things. Korban was only allowed to peek at them through the door and his face lit up as he said "Bebe's cute". But he did get to meet one of his nurses that took care of us while we had our hospital stay. It was a strange experience walking down the hall to the elevator where I remember having the worst contractions ever that finally yielded me to a wheel chair. And then walking through the nurses station where I did so many laps to gain my strength back after the c-section. It's not too often you can honestly say to someone" I know how you feel" but Tera and I were able to share each others recovery stories and know exactly what the other was talking about.

And finally my little man with all his little animal cars in a row. We counted them many times over and I think he was trying to show me in this picture how many he had. Counting, letters and cars, especially Mater and McQueen are his biggest favorites right now. I'm amazed at his willingness to learn and the fun he has doing it. So worth the c-section!
Next Months blog....Utah, Missouri and the "Baby Moon" ( like a honey moon but with more sleep;) to the grand Canyon!


  1. Eat my stroller dust! Ha!!! You crack me up.

    So many fun things! Before you know it, you'll be back at that hospital having your itty bitty! Crazy!

  2. Oh I cant wait to see you guys!!!! Will you be around to hang out at all? Want to try to meet up again? AH! Love you!!! (I will be there may 3-17 but we have a couple of family things going on. pencil me in lady!)

  3. What a great post! totally worth the c-section! haha. love the butterflies! and the twin babies! how sweeeeet and cute!!! must be kaiser! we have a bunch of the blankets! lol! and a babymoon! how fun! we've been wanting to go to the grand canyon too! can't wait to see pics!

  4. Oh I sooo want to see the butterflies! Tera's babies are adorable! You will be there before you know it momma
