I think everybody is entitled to a few proud moments in their life, right? I mean their is your wedding day, all your childrens firsts, job promotions and what not, but I have another one to share. I know I have spoken of these beloved people to some of you before and can't help but feel my heart swell at the fact that they brought and still bring so much fun and joy to children and even us still today. My Grandparents Ray and June A.K.A. Bampa and Grandmommy to us grand kids, were involved in some of the first cartoon animations that we still watch today. Recently Grandmommy (June) was interviewed for the magazine "Vanity fare" . It was all about the "women behind the men" in Walt Disney's animation studio. I always understood that it was hard tedious work and all but my goodness! I was exhausted just after reading the article! So many young women painted countless cartoon cells from literally "sun up to sun down" as one woman was quoted saying. Some even fainted from sleepiness and longed for the "Snow White" movie to just be done already. And if some of you are wondering if the women in or around Hollywood really did dress as cute and glamerous as they appear in the black and white movies...yes they did. Every single picture I have seen of Grandmommy, even while holding a baby, she looked fabulous!
I am glad that those women like my grandmother were not forgotten and I will never watch another old Disney movie the same, I will pay attention to every little detail that was carefully created by the hard working women who sat so many hours behind a desk just to make us a love story and fairy tale.
I love you Grandmommy and of course Bampa too, behind every strong man is a supportive and hard working woman:)