Korban....oh my not so little Korban. He is quite the character these days and testing the waters on his independence. I'm learning that if you don't nip it in the bud, even if it seems repetitive, it can become quite the battle. I just hate being the bad guy all the time! But I keep looking at the end product and try to have more grace than I do discipline. A speaker at one of our church women's retreats was sharing a part in the Bible about the sower and what he will reap. I think it was 2 Corinthians 9:10. She said that a sower does not plant his seeds and expect fruit that very day, no, they plant their seeds and wait for it to grow in it's due season. In the mean time we are to water and tend to it so that it does not die. So that is what I keep reminding myself when I feel the way I do. Korban never ceases to make me laugh. A friend of ours gave him a dragon costume that he L-O-V-E-S to wear all the time. Really, he will wear it outside, at the dinner table, and probably to bed if I let him.
And My Little Benjamin...sigh...his smile melts my heart. his whole face lights up when he smiles. Even if his bookie is in his mouth, you can tell he is smiling just by his bright eye's. He is army crawling all over the place with a few attempts to crawl on all fours. He says Mama and Dada. He can push himself up into a sitting position. He loves to play with big brothers cars, or eat them rather. He graciously removes his bookie before nursing...it's pretty funny. And while nursing likes to have a conversation with me. Yep. He stops eating just to look up and talk in his sweet soft little voice and then continues eating. I can't wait to see what he is going to be like as he gets bigger because he is already so much fun. I really do love having my two boys:)
And me? Well I have given a bridal shower and attended the said before wedding. I have been trying my hardest to keep up with friends but I think they understand maybe why they have not seen me as they too have little ones to look after. My new hobby is doing photo books and they have been so much fun to do. We are now getting ready for Easter, my favorite time of year. It's hard to think that it is already here and soon it will be Korban's 3rd Birthday and Benjamin's one month after that. But I think I will just focus on today because that is just about all I can handle. And yes....the boys are still asleep:)
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