Thursday, June 26, 2008


Not too much to report and photos I will have to attach later because they are on my computer at home. ..Yes I am still working but only on Thursday's wich means this will probably be my last day if the litte one should arrive on time. God willing I will not got too far into next week.
It is amazing the transformations that come along with pregnancy...such as swollen ankles when it is hot. I never knew my ankle, the right one only, could swell to such a size as it was! But I treated myself to a spa pedicure and the foot massage did the trick!
Lately we have been watching MMA and UFC cage fighting and when we do it seems like the baby is doing a little wrestling of it's own rolling around in my belly much to the amusement of our friends who watch in utter disgust and amazement all at the same time. I know cage fighting sounds crazy but it is actually very entertaining and real...not like WWF with the over dramatic wrestling and chair throwing, this is real martial arts and boxing all combined and in the end of it all they shake hands and give eachother a pat on the back for a job well done! Maybe I am having a boy becasue I find it wierd that I would be into this so much!
Now we are just waiting. Trying to keep ourselves busy to keep our mind off of the waiting. Just a few more days and we will meet our little baby! I have been nesting here and there with occasional breaks to the pool so I can float around and cool off. Josh is getting all the more excited especially after watching the labor and delivery coaching DVD. He is ready to go and I know he will be a great coach...I just hope he does not faint at the sight of blood and the IVs!
Funny story....The septic backed up again and so I called Josh to see what I should do. Of course I had a little worry in my voice because I felt bad that he would have to deal with it after a long day at work but my hesitation to tell him what was happening made him a little nervous when it was followed by "Honey...there is water coming out of both sides of the sink again." He first heard "water coming out" and thought I was talking about me! "No no! Not my water, the water in the sink, the septic is backing up again!" Josh, "Oh...O.k. I will take care of it when I get home." We got a laugh out of it and I will never forget it because it was so cute to hear the concern in his voice for me.
Well I guess I will keep everyone posted. Who knows maybe the next time I blog on here it will be with pictures of our precious little baby!

1 comment:

  1. Waiting doesn't begin to describe it! I'm having dreams about my little niece/nephew to-be. Last night, it was a boy. And his delivery consisted of kicking his way, literally, out of your stomach. I was a little concerned with the nurses lack of surprise...
