...So Korban has graduated to rice cereal.
But that became boring to him pretty fast and his bland cereal has now been sweetened with pears. Life just got a little more interesting for Korban! Notice the look of glee
as he stares at his cereal.
We have also just returned from a Thanksgiving trip to my Parents house in Utah. The weather was perfect for nestling down in-doors and staying in our pj's most of the day.
We were blessed to enjoy Mom's yummy cooking,
Dad's crackling fire and God's wonderful beauty outside of every window.
The day before Thanksgiving we drove up to Brian Head and experience
our first time out in falling snow! Despite the fact that it was very cold and windy
we had a good time and enjoyed it for a few minutes before rushing back
to the warmth of our car. Poor Korban looked like a pea in a pod all stuffed down
in Josh's jacket. At least he was warm and really seemed to enjoy
licking the snowflakes off of his lips.
Thanksgiving dinner was delicious and so much fun to make.
Mom you always make a tasty turkey!
I have finally decided that home is not necessarily the house you are in but the people you are with that make it a "home".
And to top it all off Little Lucy LaTour (Korban's new cousin) was born on Thanksgiving day! The little turkey couldn't wait any longer. I won't give too many details because I want to let the proud Mama and Papa share their story of the eventful day but here is a picture to tide you over.