With Korban turning three we thought it was time for him to say sayonara to his beloved bookie, AKA the pacifier. It did not really dawn on me until pondering what to write but giving up his bookie was asking a pretty tough thing of him. I mean, imagine having to give up something that you are used to being attached to from the day you were born. It was there to comfort you through teething pain, scraped knees, missing mommy and Daddy when they went on a date, and soothing you to sleep when sleep was hard to find. It was probably like me having to give up coffee when I was pregnant. I looked forward to it every morning and loved the smell of it, taste of it, and just the warm comfort it would bring. So having to stop cold turkey was not easy at all. So I began to limit Korban to just nap time and bed time. That was not too hard and he did not protest too much. I told him that he better enjoy bookie while he can because once he turns three he would be too big for it and it would break. Now you are probably thinking, "what a mean mommy! Lying to your boy like that! " Don't worry, I would not lie to him. It did "break". Mysteriously some scissors found their way to bookie and well....I'm sure you can figure out the rest. He actually handled it quite well and even showed Josh when he came home from work. Korban very matter of factually said,"look daddy, my bookie broke!" He never cried or argued about it. He did very nicely ask for it a few times though. But Most children can be won over with a new little toy car if they can sleep through the night without it. Nap time however is another story and I think this is where I am kicking myself in the hiney. He has had such a hard time taking naps without his bookie. Even still I know it is best for him. It is all part of growing up.