What is going on with the Steinbergs this summer? Lot's of fun stuff with lots of "growing moments" in between. From May to thus far we have had Josh's 32nd Birthday, our 8th Anniversary, My 29th ahem... I mean 30th Birthday, A women's retreat with our church (much needed and can't wait until next year), and a week long trip with just me and the boys to Utah to see my parents. I think that is everything. All great stuff and the "growing in between" part? God showing me more and more how much I really need him in every little thing, including potty training patience and how to handle a child being very upset with you. I'm not gonna lie it is not fun but I think enduring it is necessary to learning how to handle things in the future. I'm posotive future events in our life will make these what seem to be no fun moments look very small when we look back on them. Although I have to admit some of the potty training stuff is pretty funny:) For instance...I was on my first errand outing down the hill with Korban wearing his big boy underwear, (but not without a towel on his seat, and thank you Becky for the towel that I need to return:) I kept asking him if he needed to use the potty and to tell me loudly if he needs to go so that I am sure I hear him. He was doing great! I was so proud of him and his new little spring in his step with his super hero underwear on. We had our last stop at Sprouts and he very loudly and clearly told me " I have to use the potty!" Thank goodness we were right by the bathroom and even more that it was surprisingly clean! Now the interesting part....how to hold a 22 lb 10 month old and help support an almost three year old on the potty because he is still afraid he is going to fall in. So with my other arm I hoist him up to the potty and tell him to put everything where it belongs while trying to stay out of the way just in case things go wrong...which they did. Instead of going in everything when up and over on to the floor. Not fun but funny seeing as how he was so pleased with himself for going at all. Oh well live and learn. Thankfully he has gotten this down now. It has only happened one other time with my poor mom in the same situation while I was getting my fillings done. I think I would have rather been in her shoes. Here is Korban in 09. Thank goodness he has come a long way since then;)

Josh's Birthday. Simple but fun. I attempted a three layer cake which I have to say held up pretty well. Even though the color and sprinkles were not what I envisioned it tasted pretty good. I love how Josh doesn't want much, he is just blessed by having his family together and that is all he wanted:)

Our anniversary, WONDERFUL! We had not had a night with just the two of us in soooooo long. We found an amazing deal on a couples massage in Poway at Ai Spa. If you want to check it out it is in the target and Albertsons Parking lot. 70 min $85. If anyone can find a better deal please tell me! I had no idea my shoulders were so tied up in knots until the sweet little lady was done and my muscles were so rel

axed. After that we went to see Pirates of the Caribbean with some stashed away movie tickets. It was entertaining but lacking. It didn't matter though, we were so happy to be out together. We shared some sliders and chocolate ice cream cake at Islands (If you want their tasty fried shoestring onions on your sliders just ask they are so delicious). Then to our hotel by the bay where we had a night of peaceful sleep and even better...sleeping in until almost whenever, darn those check out times:(
The women's retreat? So refreshing. I missed my family like crazy but I really needed that time to hear the word without distraction, fellowship with other women and just take it easy and have some girly fun. We are so so so blessed that we get to have our retreats at the Murrietta Bible college. I can't think of

a better place and the college kids who serve in ministry there to make it a beautiful weekend for us are so sweet and selfless not to mention they make some pretty good iced coffee;) yum!
My Birthday was Monday, the day after I returned from the retreat and not only that but on the Wednesday of that week I would be flying out to Utah so I basically unpacked did laundry and pack a again. I had a nice quiet 30th Birthday dinner. My Birthday request? For a back yard gate and fence, and sand in the boys sand box It makes me laugh because my sister in law had a similar request for her Birthday. So different from wanting a car when you were a teenager isn't it? Seeing as how I

do not have a picture of me freshly 30 on my Birthday, here is a look back to a much much younger me...my first Birthday:)
And then Utah. I was a bit fearful of traveling with both boys on the plane by myself but it was actually not too bad. Korban loves flying so he looked out the window the whole time pointing exciting things out to me. Benjamin was a wiggle worm wanting to look every which way at the same time but he was happy and that made me happy:) Utah was beautiful and we did not do too much. My Dad got out the old cars and let the boys check them out which was very special and sentimental to me having grown up around these cars as a kid. Now my kids get to ride in them too which to me is pretty awesome.

So was this blog long enough? See what happens when I don't do this regularly? Well you read it and I appreciate you taking time out of your business to share these things with us! More blogs to come...maybe even today;)