February , I love this picture. It was cold and windy out. We were tired of being cooped up so we bundled up and went outside to just run around. It was a perfect time of day for photo taking, and so I did;)
March , I love it when the trees blossom. Me and my fancy self likes to use the color enhancer on my camera and sometimes they turn out pretty cool. I think I take a picture of this tree every Easter.
April, Utah. Korban and I visited my parents in the end of April. Who knew it would still be ridiculously cold and snowy? I loved how the snow stuck to the tulips. My Dad and his green thumb, it reminds me of all the flowers he would plant at our old place in Ramona....sigh:(
May, St. Louis Missouri. Our hotel was literally right across the street from this magnificent arch. It is pretty much the biggest green lawn our boy has ever played on. Don't worry son, I see a green front yard in the very near future!
June, My niece Naomi and my nephew Noah. We had a little photo shoot up at the Mt. Woodson Castle. They were great and we had such a fun time taking pics for their Daddy. It's hard to believe I used to take this not so little anymore girl to preschool three times a week and powder a certain someones hiney...sorry Noah but it's true;)
July, Pregnancy shoot! The castle again, it is one of my favorite spots for pretty pictures. I love this one so much because of my sweet Korbans face on my round big belly. This is how he would hug his brother.
August , My baby boy in all his newness ( Thank you Aunty cuh for being camera ready!) Isn't he soooo sweet?! And just because I could not NOT post this one it is from August too and it is priceless.
September, My niece Makenna dancing her little heart out at the car show. I just love this picture...like she is trying to give Jesus a big hug;)
October, In all his slumber my wee Benjamin. I took a million photos of him doing the same thing laying the same way. It seemed like no matter how many pics I took, none of them truly captured the perfect sweetness and peacefulness of his tiny face.
November, I was so sad that I did not focus the camera for this picture! We were at Camp Pendelton welcoming home the marines and this is Our friend Tristan hugging his girlfriend Kelsey after being apart for waaaaayyy toooo long. It's hard to focus a camera when your eyes are all watery from tears...I mean the sun, o.k.!
December, New years eve. We celebrated my Mom's birthday early since she would be going home to Utah on her birthday so why not celebrate it on New years? Way too much food but oh so much fun. I'm not sure who is harder to get a picture of....the kids or my Dad who has had enough picture taking....sorry Dad but as long as I have a camera I will always be wanting to take your picture;) Just think it's for your grandkids, grandkids, grandkids and so on.
Well this didn't even scratch the surface of all my favorite pictures for the year but it will have to do. I hope you all are having a blessed new year thus far!