May has been an eventful month. I think I mentioned in the last post that we were going to St. Louis Missouri for a wedding.
Korban and I had only been home for about a weak when we were all off again! Normally I would not plan so much in one month but it was the only way things worked out this time around.

We were hoping and praying that we would get three seats all the way. The first flight we did and
Korban was so excited to be sitting by the window during take off. My Sister in law Jessica gave me the nifty idea to get a special little something just for the plane trip to keep the little one occupied....It worked! He loved his "
airpane" and held on to it the majority of the time making all the cool sounds and zooming it through the air.

The Gateway Arch. What St. Luis is mostly known for having and attracting lots of people. It is really quite something to see in person and you practically fall over while trying to look up at it and walk at the same time.

GQ little man just before the wedding. Isn't he just so cute?! He danced his socks of that night as the wedding
went on late into the evening. If he could have fallen asleep dancing I think he would have.

Ah yes, this was pretty neat for my Hubby. There was going to be a big
MMA fight in St Louis the weekend we were there and our Hotel was swimming with these guys from all over the world who were professional fighters. We, ahem... I mean he likes to watch
UFC fighting. We, I mean he, got into it a few summers ago in Hawaii and began to have our friends over for "fight nights" to watch it all together. It is pretty exciting actually, and I do enjoy watching it with him. It is not your cheesy
WWF chair smashing stuff, it is real actual skill in mixed martial arts and kick boxing. Now I don't keep up with the names of all the guys in the fights but Josh recognized this one from something called the "Strike Force" in the
Jacare Souza happened to be on our elevator one morning and we struck up a conversation with him on our way to the lobby. So not what you would think one of these hard core looking fighters would be. He has a wife and son at home,
Korbans age and another on the way due about the same time ours is due. He was from Brazil so the
english was a little strained but he was very nice and even let us have this picture with him. Needless to say, he won his fight the night before hence the sun glasses, he was not trying to look cool he just had a really good size gash under his left eye.

Louis science center. Just a funny picture I had to include because he would put the magnifying glass up to his mouth making his mouth and nose much larger than normal...he must know what he's doing:)

The dizzying
view from inside the arch all the way at the top.
Korban's response to it all..."Awesome!"

The day we were leaving was kind of funny. Josh did not realize it but when he booked our flight home, he booked it on his Birthday.
We were so blessed to be able to go and have a little family time away with all three and a half of us before the baby arrives. Korban was a trooper and hardly complained about a thing. Praise God his two year old molars were not coming in yet like they are now because I'm sure this would end differently.