Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Summers Garden

Over the last few months I have taken some pictures of our Garden as it began to grow and produce the fruits of our labor. It was so much fun to plant our own fruits and veggies to enjoy them when they were fresh for the pickin. Some did not do so well but it was all about trial and error so that next year we will hopefully have a better grasp at what we are doing. Korban was right there with me almost every evening watering our garden and eagerly asking for "mo?" more, tomato' would think it was candy on a tree the way he eats them!

The bell peppers never really grew quite big enough to eat...the small ones are BITTER!

Sweet peas to remind me of where I grew up, my dad always had some sweet peas climbing the fence.


The many stages of a beautiful sunflower...

And my favorite place to buy big beautiful produce at great prices, ...Conoly Gardens...


  1. ooooh!!! your garden is sooo pretty and fun!!! love the pictures of the sunflowers too!!

  2. awesome pictures!!! can I come produce shopping with you??
