Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Summers Garden

Over the last few months I have taken some pictures of our Garden as it began to grow and produce the fruits of our labor. It was so much fun to plant our own fruits and veggies to enjoy them when they were fresh for the pickin. Some did not do so well but it was all about trial and error so that next year we will hopefully have a better grasp at what we are doing. Korban was right there with me almost every evening watering our garden and eagerly asking for "mo?" more, tomato' would think it was candy on a tree the way he eats them!

The bell peppers never really grew quite big enough to eat...the small ones are BITTER!

Sweet peas to remind me of where I grew up, my dad always had some sweet peas climbing the fence.


The many stages of a beautiful sunflower...

And my favorite place to buy big beautiful produce at great prices, ...Conoly Gardens...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer of Fun

From what I heard today is officially the last day of Summer..bring it on fall! Not to say that I did not enjoy the summer time at all, I loved every minute of "first" moments with our little boy.

His first swim class was near the end of July into August. I was amazed at the things you can teach your little one about swimming at such a young age. I mostly signed us up because we needed to do something with other people and their kids to get out of the house yet stay cool in the process, something not easily accomplished in Ramona. We walked away from it with lots of helpful tips and such to make our pool time safe and fun. Korban loved jumping off of the edge to the tune of "jack be nimble" or "Humpty Dumpty".

As the day would cool down to something tolerable enough to play outside, Korban would ride in his little bike and help me water the garden and pick any veggies that were ready for eating. The tomato plant is his favorite and each time he see's it I hear "mmm!" and something that sounds like he is trying to say"more?"

Another "first" moment, Korban's first time sitting at the table NOT in a high chair! He was so proud of his new little booster seat. Granted he seams to make more of a mess now that he has more room but it's worth it:)

Then there was his first Padres game! I really did not think he would make it through the whole thing and I was actually quite nervous about bringing him. There isn't exactly anywhere for him to play or crawl but when you attend a game with grandma and grandpa and ton of people from church, chances are somebody is going t want to hold him. In fact he hardly sat with us the whole time! Padres won and we had a blast.

And as if his loud and funny drum playing wasn't enough music to fill the house with "a joyful noise", Korban became interested in the Harmonica. He picked up the concept quickly and gets a kick out of playing it.

Eat your heart out Blues Brothers.

Oh how the list could go on and on.....but I can save them for another day. We just did so much stuff and met with so many friends and family over the summer, to put it into one blog would be way too overwhelming! God willing I will blog again soon...but don't hold your breath just in case!