Our lives have been so full lately and busy busy. There have been days of playing in the mud...again, fundraisers, Easter, road trips, just hanging out and of course doctors appointments to keep the littlest Steinberg in check.

Our Korban boy had become the poster child for the walk for life this year. It's a weird thing to be running my weekly errands and spot a poster with my oldest sons face on it. But it is also a great thing to see it supporting God given life. He was given a costume as well to match the "Uncle Sam" poster which he wore proudly with a little bit of shyness which was to be expected but it was nothing a little Yogurt barn bribery couldn't fix. We kept reminding him of how much this was going to bless lots and lots of unborn little baby's and help mommy's to make a choice for life for that baby. It breaks my heart the things our children will have to learn to understand as they grow up. How do you explain it to a 3 year old? I was trying so hard not to cry while telling him that some mommy's cannot take care of their baby's but that there are other ways that the baby can have a family and a good life and so we are trying to help them do that. So here is our little Uncle Sam waiting for sponsors!

Then there was Easter! We all look forward to this every year with much planning and great anticipation and joy for the very reason we celebrate at all. I am so thankful that Korban's focus was not all about the eggs or even the egg hunt! Benjamin still just goes with the flow and does what big brother does but next year he will understand even more....that Jesus is risen! It cracks me up, Korban has to be the most modest egg hunter I have ever seen. Totally him, just taking his time and marveling at each one he finds. Benjamin doing his thing, pick it up put it in the basket....oh there is candy in these! Forget the rest I just want to eat candy! We had so much fun with family and just being outside in the most beautiful Easter Sunday weather....Thank you God, it was much appreciated:)

Not lovin it! |
Grandpa's snow cone treat for Korban! |
Two days after Easter, the boys and I headed out to Utah to go home with Grammy and Grandpa. Road Trip! Korban loves riding in Grandpa's "Big truck" so that was a plus and even better was getting road trip food.....Slim Jims! Only bummer of the whole trip was having the worst head cold ever and not just for me but My dad and Benjamin as well! I honestly went through 6 boxes of tissues with the help of Benjamin. Josh had a cold as well but got through the worst of it before he flew out to Utah to be with us. I'm blaming the sugar and being out in the cold night air during Easter weekend. Your probably thinking, "bummer! Go all the way Utah to visit your parents and you can't even have any fun!?" Not at all the case. The great part was that my mom was there to help take care of the boys and I, I did not have to cook and or bathe anybody, It snowed enough for a snowman and we really really just had to relax and do nothing. Korban and Benjamin had sooooo much fun with their Grammy and Granpa even though Benjamin did not quite care for the snow.
Going with Grandpa to find the news paper |
Korban getting the biggest snowball ever to hurl at Grammy |
And all the other fun things we have been up to? Just day to day life. Boys in the mud.....
Muddy buns Benjamin |
Just look at that face! |
Benjamin picking flowers for mommy....
Sleeping in a big boy bed......breaks my heart but not my back! And the work plus rewards of baking.
Then there are these two little cutie pies.....
Hailey the birthday Girl! |
Claire! |
These are two of my 7 nieces. Hailey just turned one and she really makes you work for smile....I mean look at that face! She is not going to crack. And then there is Claire. She and Benjamin were trying and trying to blow bubbles. She finally blew a bubble and was so happy about it! She gave me the same reaction every time...cracked me up:)
Aren't these the simple blessings and pleasures in life? So carefree to be a child, really.
P.S. Please ignore my sloppy photo arrangements on my blog....I'm still getting used to the new set up and it is driving me mad!