Benjamin is changing before my eyes every day. You could ask me where the last month went and I would tell you that it went very very far away. I'm already kicking myself for not writing down every cute little thing Benjamin does and the funny things Korban says. Pictures are my best way to hang onto any and every memory. I may even take five or six photos of the same thing just to make sure I have not missed a thing! This picture below is one of about five. Korban wanted to "nuggle" (his word for snuggle) Benjamin on his bed and they were just so cute I had to get out the camera and get as many shots as I could before Benjamin had had enough. If you had a caption for this face that he is making please share because I'm sure it will make the photo that much more adorable and funny.

His character is coming out more and more with each passing day...

I feel like I waited too long to take family portraits with Korban when he was born so I jumped on it as quick as I felt up to it this time and I loved them all! Especially this one, he has a very sly grin on his face that makes me want to chuckle.

And here is Korban doing what he loves...playing with his cars from "Cars" . He was not too into the picture taking that morning but if you want to take pictures of him with his cars then he is more than glad to pose!

And this just oozes with sweetness. I might be partial but isn't he adorable!
We have been enjoying every minute with our little ones and seeing the blessings in even the tiniest of moments between the crying and changing of diapers. I just know we are going to look back 10 years from now and ask again...where has the time gone?