O.K. I must explain this one...Don't worry,
Korban is not really smoking a pipe...he just wants to look like Papa. And he totally did shirt and all!
Our visit to Utah was much different this time than it was last year. Last year was warm and sunny
which made for many fun days outside. Not so this time, but we had many fun days inside! It snowed on several occasions and was pretty darn cold and windy. But it made the tulips even that much more beautiful!

My dad got out the old 70 Chevy and let
Korban pretend to drive, and he was so stoked to be behind the wheel that when I took him inside he was so sad that we just had to let him drive a little more...and he was satisfied! I love this truck and have so many memories of camping trips with this thing. It used to have a camper shell on the back with a bench seat inside and an intercom so that my brothers could communicate with my parents for bathroom breaks or beg for mercy because the other one was annoying them....ah those were the days. I'm sure my mom and dad have some stories.

One of our slight chances to go outside and play before the wind became too much!

This is a little boy after my own, and
Grammies heart. He loves to help in the kitchen when allowed. Not his best picture but the boy had a mouth full of cookie dough, wouldn't you? But I loved this one of my mom so it wins:) He loved helping with pouring in the flour and scraping the sides of the bowl with a spatula....and of course tasting along the way.

And perhaps one of my favorite pictures...a not so happy
Korban in the snow. Mean mommy plopped him in the middle of the yard and forced a picture upon him. I think its the dimples in his chin from fighting back tears and what he really would like to say to me at that moment that makes me like this picture.

All in all we had a very relaxing time, and I was kind of forced to since we stayed inside so much. Lets just say I made quite a few
styling baby
beanies for next winter and read Two really good books. My mom also managed to make me a beautiful maternity dress for a wedding we will be attending next weekend but you will have to wait for those pictures when I get back from Missouri! I know I know! Do the Steinbergs ever slow down? Everything just happended to fall into this month which is making the pregnancy fly by that much faster. I am almost at 7 months people! I can't blieve it and even more I am not ready (house wise)! But who ever is right? But I am so looking forward to see just who it is that has been tumbling around so much lately:)