My midwife has determined the due date to be August 4Th. August 4Th! I am so not prepared for what a hot summer it is going to be! Praise God we have a pool where I can float aimlessly about to relive the not too anticipated elephant ankles.
I don't know if any of you out there have had the wonderful stomach bug going around lately, you know the one where even an ice chip won't stay down? If you haven't then consider yourself oh so blessed. Me on the other hand....not so happy this last weekend. It hit me like a ton of bricks! I was sleeping just fine after a wonderful outing to the movies and dinner with some friends of ours and wamo...puke city. This is new to me during a pregnancy. I never had morning sickness with Korban and I have not had any problems yet with this one, but I knew it was not morning sickness. After a full day Saturday of putting up with the horrible reoccurring yukiness, we were advised to go to the emergency room to get checked out. Two IVs, one dose of anti nausea medicine and an hour nap later we went home. Cursed for a day with sickness but blessed our little peanut was way o.k. We Even got to see our little baby on a sonogram pretty close to its face. Let me just say this is one cute little baby...oh my I can't wait to see him or her in person. I mean I could see the eyes and nose and little lips! Too cute.
We are all well and rested now feeling pretty much back to normal and praying this does not happen again EVER.
And let me just give a shout out to my man who took such good care of me and Korban....your awesome!