Sunday, November 16, 2008

Strike A Pose

Things seem to be winding down a bit as we go into Thanksgiving in just two weeks...not even a full two weeks! But we are truly looking forward to it. It's like it is the last big thing of all the big things that have been going on lately. Then there will be a pause until Jessica and Andrews wee little one is born....really can't wait for that! We just had her baby shower too and I would post some pictures but they are all on her camera. I have to admit I became a little covetous of her camera and set mine aside to use just takes such amazing pictures!

We have so much to be thankful for in how God has blessed us throughout the years and this year alone. So before we start to stuff our faces and belly's I hope we stop to remember all that He has done and even carried us through as well as the little blessings on the way, (my friend Lena is having a baby too.)

Now regarding the headline of this blog post, "Strike a Pose". Even though I put a picture of Korban in his kilt on the last post I took the liberty of making a more "official" photo of him in his little outfit. Since we were at it, we took a few other pictures to relish the moment before he got fed up with me and the camera. My favorite is the one where his finger is hanging off the corner of his mouth. He looks like he did something bad and is saying, "Who me!"

Well I had other pictures to post but my computer is being difficult and I don't want to bother my man at the moment but I will add more later.

Goodnight and God Bless!