Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy 30th

Today my Man turned 30. He was not too happy about it at first but I think once he was joined by family and dear friends to celebrate, it did not seem so bad. We had such a pleasant time in the front yard eating fried chicken and playing Bachi Ball followed by some decadent ice cream cake and gift/card opening afterward. Korban wanted to get in on the gift opening with Daddy....

We had such a nice time and are thankful for all who came.

Wednesday Korban and I leave for a week long trip to Utah to stay with my parents. We are very excited about it but It is going to be hard to be away from Josh for that long. Have you ever missed someone before you even left them? I know it's only a week but what can I say, I love the guy:)

Happy Birthday Joshua!


  1. Josh's party was a lot of fun. I can't believe he's 30 either! Yes, I believe you can miss people before they go...we are missing you and Korban already.


    p.s. yes, you can miss them before you're even gone. The first half of my trip to california will be minus Christian and I am not so much looking forward to it either. Well, looking forward to California, not the being apart. :)
